When ready to bake, preheat the oven and baking stone to 450 F and bring a 5 quart kettle 2/3 full of water to a boil.
On a well floured surface divide the dough into 16 equal (double batch) or 8 equal (single batch) pieces. Form each piece into an flat, oblong shape, 12 inches by 6 inches or so in size. Place in a Tablespoon or so full of flavor ingredients (if desired, see below) then roll the dough over lengthwise to trap the ingredients in the dough. Roll the dough out into a 10 inch strand, then roll the dough so it is thinner in the middle and fatter at the ends. Now, make a small tear in each end and interlock the torn ends together. Place 2 or 3 fingers inside the hole of the bagel and roll back and forth until the ends are well sealed together and the thickness is equal. Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and repeat the process with the next two pieces of dough.
Once you have three bagels formed, start the boiling process. Add 1/3 cup honey and 1 Tbsp barley malt syrup to the boiling water, stirring it in so nothing sticks and burns on the bottom. Now, toss in the three bagels. After about a minute, once they've floated to the top of the water, flip them over and give them another minute or so in the water. Don't worry about timing the
water bath at exactly 1 minute per side, you can be off by quite a bit without any noticeable change in the bagels. With a slotted spoon, remove the bagels from the boiling water bath and place back on the parchment paper.